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Short documentary film, which addresses the importance of water in the life cycle, and how over time, we have moved away from its true value.

The documentary explores the type of development we have had as humanity, showing the gradual distancing we have had from Nature and its life cycles, with water as the central focus.

We interviewed the leaders of native peoples to understand their cosmovision and their relationship with this vital element, as well as cutting-edge scientists, thinkers and well-known ecologists. We tried to show the diversity of approaches that exist between man and Water/Nature and the URGENCY of its care and respect.

What is more valuable than water, can we live without it?

Puri invites us to reflect and to take charge as individuals of our actions, since these are the ones that ultimately can generate a real change and lead us to the development of a new paradigm.



01-ODFF-2020F Best-Cinematography-Laurel-Black-Finalist.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - La Ventana Festival Itinerante de Cortometrajes - 2021.png
GOLD AWARD WINNER - Spotlight Documentary Film Awards - 2021.png
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laurel 2020.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - 14th International Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Fest 2021 - 2020.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Terra di Tutti Film Festival - 2020.png
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OFFICIAL SELECTION - Wild  Scenic Film Festival - 2021.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - PEFF 2022 - 7th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagoni
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